About a year ago, I found myself upset about a situation that I had been going through for a while. So after getting everyone's opinion on this said situation, I went to someone that I knew would give it to me straight, and only wants for the best for me. My father. At first, I was apprehensive about discussing this issue with my father because I was scared of what he would say, but from the very beginning, he gave me sound advice. Advice that only a daughter would appreciate and take heed to. One part that was stuck out to me during this conversation was the following:
"When you make a decision, you live and die with that decision.You see [Yejide] life is never straight, it's full of ups and downs, and humps in the road. It's up to you to get through those times and continue to persevere. Remain prayerful and ask the Lord to lead you on the right path."- My Father
Now at that said time, that part stuck out to me because of what we were discussing, but a year later I still remember this part of our conversation. Not because the issue or situation still exists, but because it pertains to life in general. My life, your life, and everyone we may encounter life.
As my father's child, he knows that something I struggle with on a daily basis, is being able to make a concrete decision and sticking to that decision. I'm a Plan A, B, C and D person, and I heavily weigh my options. Most times, this is good, but most times it is also bad. My issue of decision making has always been something that has bothered me, and I have recognized and accepted that it needs to change.
I'm starting to realize that the older I grow and the wiser I become, things that my parents have told me in the past, whether that past was last week or previous months or years, always resurface. But I don't think it's human nature that causes this to happen. Its an higher power, my Father in heaven, that knows when the time will be right, when we will need to remember those words. So a conversation I had with my father a year has now resurfaced at full force. The last part of what my father said, ["........remain prayerful and ask the Lord to lead you on the right path."], is what's replaying in my mind a whole year later.
When I want to make a decision, I'm so concerned about the alternate plans instead of making the decision and asking the Lord to guide my steps with that decision. Also at times, more often than I like, I find myself asking family, friends, mentors, etc., for their input on what my decision should be, when it clearly states in His book, that I should "trust in The Lord with all thy heart and lean not on my understanding. In all ways I should acknowledge Him and He will make my path straight!" (Proverbs 3:5-6). It doesn't say lean on your understanding or everyone else's understanding, but lean on His understanding. Once we do that our paths would be led straight, but if we don't trust in Him and lean on our understanding or the understanding of others, our paths tend to be crooked, until we give the situation back to The Lord.
I know this may be difficult because I've been there a time or two, but I've also been in situations where I put my trust in The Lord, and I've come out unbroken, unscathed and at peace. I'm here to tell you His way is so much better. Trust in Him, lean on His understanding, seek Him and sit back and watch your crooked paths become straight.
Peace and Blessings,
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